Friday, August 28, 2009


You could say that I'm adjusting well to having Lucy in school. So far, in the first 12 days, she has not yet been late and I've been there to greet her as soon as her teacher leads the kids out the door. She has been clothed, fed, and her hair has been brushed each morning (except for maybe one). She tells me about new friends and new activities, and recites word-for-word the affirmation she receives from her teacher. (Can you tell what her love language is?) She has made me proud, and since the first day we've had no tears.

But in other ways I definitely feel like the two hours and fourty-five minutes she is gone from us has indeed turned my world upside-down.

For one thing, I bought a watch. And I'm wearing it. After living in Africa, time had much less significance for me, and I could usually find a clock (or cell phone) when I really needed to know the exact hour. After Lucy was born and I was tracking feedings and naps, I worn a watch sporadically, but gave it up again after Joey was born. Now I have a very tight window for dropping Lucy off in the morning (the doors open at 9:05 and close at 9:10!), and I certainly don't want her to be the last one waiting around with her tummy growling for lunch. I've seen a few of those lonely kids, scanning the road and the parking lot for their parents, though I'm sure eventually it'll be mine...

Secondly, I seem to have misplaced my brain among all the papers Lucy has brought home. Granted, I could use the excuse that when the pile was an inch thick, we did have two extra families staying in our home. I guess I was too busy having fun and trying to keep the havoc caused by six adults and five children to a minimum, but it completely slipped by me that school pictures were last Thursday. What was she even wearing?? Was that the day I forgot to brush her hair?! I guess I'll find out eventually. And what?! The paper I got last night and didn't look at until noon today tells me I was supposed to provide the snack for the whole class this morning?! Good thing the teacher keeps an extra large stash of goldfish for just such an occasion. Yes, one particuar day was pretty bad for me, but I think I learned my lesson early on. And I got flowers and chocolate from my hubby that night for sobbing on the phone to him about what a horrible parent I am.

Thirdly, I think Joey has just given up on trying to survive without his sister and declares naptime at 9:30 or 10:00 almost every morning. A few times I've kept him out of the house or come up with something creative to do (like garage sale-ing), but generally he screams "NAAAAAP!!!" until I let him lay down in his crib. This has made for a few interesting afternoons, to say the least.

And lastly, I'm struggling with Lucy's independence. On the second day of school, she told me that I didn't need to go inside with her. I did anyway. She walked right past her classroom. On the third day, she tried again, and this time I quizzed her on where her classroom was, then watched her bouncing ponytail through the window to make sure she got there. Every day since, I stand out on the sidewalk, give her a kiss (thank God she's still letting me do that!), and watch her until she is inside the doors.

This morning she turned and blew me a kiss just before she walked in.

My aching heart melted right there on the sidewalk.

Somehow I think we're going to make it.

I hear Joey waking up from his nap. According to my watch, it's just in time to go pick up Lucy from school.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Lucy's first day of KINDERGARTEN!

Seems like we just met her...

And then I blinked and this happened...

And then she put on her backpack this morning for her first day of Kindergarten...

Look at that smile! She's going to LOVE it!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

He's a maniac, MANIAC in the pool

I think the video speaks for itself.

Oh, wait, did you want a rear view, too?

'Nuff said.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Daddy-Daughter camping

Last night presented a grand adventure for Lucy. John came home and asked if she wanted to "go camping" in the backyard.

You should have seen her eyes light up! She's been waiting for this day since a year ago when we moved in and declared the back yard a perfect place for our tent.

From about 5:00 pm on, she kept telling us how "tired" she was, and when was it going to be bedtime? That was a first! It was all she could do to wait.

But first, they set up the tent together.

Then we waited until Joey was in bed before breaking out one of the best combinations ever created: s'mores.

Even though this was for daddy and daughter, I just had to be there to help document the experience. Oh, and s'mores are one of the reasons I love camping to begin with.

Without a place to build a fire, we opted for the open flame of the grill.

Mmmm, gooey goodness!

And then they settled in for the night. I checked on them a few times, looking out the window and seeing the glow of the flashlight casting shadows on the walls of the tent. I wondered if she would ever fall asleep...

John said she feel asleep close to 10pm. I heard them come in at about 6:30 this morning -- she made it all night!

I have a feeling this was just the first of many backyard camping adventures for our family.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Happiest Place on Earth

Just in case you may have been under the impression that Disney World is the happiest place on earth, let me just be the one to set you straight.

It's Red Robin.

Okay, so it's only been a few decades since my parents took me to Orlando for The Experience, but it's only been a few hours since I've been to Red Robin, and I'm pretty sure my kids would agree with me on this one.

From the moment we set our feet on the asphalt, we could see "Red" at the door, waving and ready to welcome us. Yes, I'm talking about a big guy dressed in shiny yellow tights with a bird's body and blue vest, but I hadn't seen my kids' faces light up like that all day. (And we had a fun day!) They each got a high-five and giggled while "Red" did his little boogie dance before we we ushered inside.

And then there was the food. Lucy was beside herself that she could have grilled cheese for dinner, and Joey was so happy just to be there that he actually ate food. (For those of you who know this boy, you understand what a big deal this is.) Not only did he eat grilled cheese and fries, but he wiggled with glee to whatever 80's tunes were playing over the loud speaker.

As we ended our meal, we were graced once again with the presence of the sleek-legged big red bird and he made the rounds through the tables. You would think our kids gained a personal audience with Mickey Mouse himself.

And then to top it off, they each got a helium balloon on the way out.

For a five-year-old and a two-year-old, it just doesn't get much better than that.

Unless of course, we had allowed them to get that cherry-topped sundae.