Saturday, February 13, 2010

Nesting, Part 4: I... Have Made Booties!

You've seen it, haven't you? Tom Hanks, a Castaway on a deserted island, makes fire and announces it to the night air with great pride. (If you're not familiar with the scene, you absolutely must click here to see the 11-second clip on YouTube.)

So I had a Tom Hanks moment this week. I know how he feels!

Okay, not literally. But you get the idea.

I've been knitting for a couple of months, and the most I've been brave enough to do are things that are relatively small and flat. Like scarves. Lots of scarves. And one headband.

But my friend Meg encouraged me to give this a try, and if she she could make a pair while caring for two-year-old twins and a new baby, then surely I could do it, too. After watching a few more clips on the internet to learn two new variations of knitting stitches, I gave it a go. And I did it!


See that picture up there? I made those. Oh, yes I did!

I have no idea if they will actually fit baby's feet or not, but I will at least love how they look on the shelf in the nursery. And I love having done something special for baby as we await his or her arrival.

I also have more confidence to attempt to follow other knitting patterns that previously intimidated me. Thanks, Meg!

NOTE: No, I am not taking orders. These took me the better part of two weeks worth of evening free time, lots of concentration, and the sacrifice of not having feeling in my hands because knitting is accentuating my pregnancy-induced carpal tunnel syndrome. But they were so worth it for my baby. Or perhaps if the price is right. If you have, say, $100 or so to throw my way.


Anonymous said...

Kelly, these are ADORABLE!! Wow, I'm impressed!

Unknown said...

"WOW!! Those are cute! WOW!!" said Grammy Wolff.