Saturday, May 17, 2008

Busy Saturday

Phew! We've had a great and exhausting day! John started "dark and early," as he says, by meeting two friends for a run at 4:30 am (yes, that's right -- it's not a typo) up to Barr Camp on Pikes Peak. The rest of us were up around 6:30, eating breakfast and studying my check list of To-Do's for our final week before we list our condo.

I packed up several boxes of things from the kitchen that I know we can do without for a while, as well as rearranging several countertop areas to eliminate pretty much everything we own and use on a daily basis. When John got home I ran to the post office to ship several BrownEyedPeas orders (and it made me appreciate that he takes them on weekdays!) while he oiled squeaky hinges and filled nail holes and removed child locks on some of our drawers and cabinets. Back at home, we tackled our front hall closet and packed our winter coats and shoes, then headed upstairs to the loft to box up photo albums and books.

After the kids got up from their afternoon naps, we loaded them into the car and went for a HIKE! It was a crystal clear sunny day with mild temps in the 70s, so it couldn't have been more perfect! This was Josiah's first time in the backpack carrier and he loved it. Lucy was a trooper and hiked the whole 1.5 miles to the top of the Bluffs Park trail, where we stopped for a snack of raisins and Teddy Grahams. A man coming from the opposite direction farther down the loop said he had just seen a 3 1/2 foot rattle snake, so we were glad we were at our turn-around point.

Back down at the car, we headed to Babies R Us to use a phenomenal $20-off coupon to buy Lucy a new car seat since we will need hers for Joey here shortly. We ended up with the car seat, a huge box of diapers, a free umbrella stroller, and sandals for Josiah. I'm sure we looked like a gypsy caravan with Joey in the shopping cart seat, a massive car seat box balancing on the basket behind him, John carrying the jumbo box of diapers, and Lucy pushing the umbrella stroller. Since it was already after 5, we decided to stop at Chipotle for some tacos, and we must have worn Lucy out because she ate almost a whole one by herself while Joey gleefully occupied himself with bits of shredded cheese and cheerios.

Once we got home, John threw (not literally) Josiah in the tub while I gave Lucy a bang trim in the kitchen. Then we switched and Lucy got a bath while I got Joey into his jammies.

After both the kids are down (one down, one to go), it will be John's turn for a trim, then showers, and I'm sure a welcomed collapse into bed--maybe after a bowl of ice cream...

It's been a very full and very good day! The kids both did so great with all the work we did on the condo as well as all the time we spent running around. So many things to make me smile, and so much to thank God for as I reflect on this busy--but very good--Saturday.

1 comment:

Bloom Where You Are Planted said...

WOW!!! I am blown away that a family with 2 kids could be that productive in one day!!! Way to go!!! You inspire me! :)